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  • 管玉东


    姓名:管玉东             性别:男

    籍贯:河南 商丘          民族:汉  


    学历:博士研究生    毕业院校:汉堡大学    专业:化学



    2016.09 – 2020.06 汉堡大学  博士 

    2013.09 – 2016.06 山东大学 硕士 

    2009.09 2013.06 北华大学 学士


    2024.04-至今 中州实验室

    2021.10  深圳市人民医院 (南方科技大学第一附属医院) 博士后






    1.Guan Y#, Zhang M#, Gaikwad M, Voss H, Fazel R, Ansari S, Shen H, Wang J, Schlüter H*. An integrated strategy reveals complex glycosylation of erythropoietin using mass spectrometry. J Proteome Res. 2021, 20(7):3654-3663. (Co-first author) (IF: 4.4, 中科院二区

    2. Guan Y, Zhang M, Wang J, Schlüter H*. Comparative analysis of different N-glycan preparation approaches and development of optimized solid-phase permethylation using mass spectrometry. J Proteome Res. 2021, 20(5):2914-2922. (IF: 4.4, 中科院二区

    3. Yang F#, Guan Y#, Feng X, Rolfs A, Schlüter H, Luo J*. Proteomics of the corpus callosum to identify novel factors involved in hypomyelinated Niemann-Pick Type C disease mice. Mol Brain. 2019, 12(1):17. (Co-first author) (IF: 4.6, 中科院二区

    4. Fazel R#, Guan Y#, Vaziri B, Krisp C, Heikaus L, Saadati A, Hidayah SN, Gaikwad M, Schlüter H*. Structural and in vitro functional comparability analysis of altebrel™, a proposed etanercept biosimilar: focus on primary sequence and glycosylation. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2019, 12(1):14.(Co-first author) (IF: 4.6, 中科院二区

    5. Guan Y, Xu X, Liu X, Sheng A, Jin L, Linhardt RJ, Chi L*. Comparison of low-molecular-weight-heparins prepared from bovine lung heparin and porcine intestine heparin. J Pharm Sci. 2016,105(6):1843-1850. (IF: 3.8, 中科院三区

    6. Zhao S, Guan Y*. Formation of advanced glycation end products in simulate canned saury fish models: effects of process methods, formulations and correlation analysis with nutritive substances. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2022, 10(6):425-436. (IF: 1.1, 中科院四区

    7. Yuan H#, Xia P#, Sun X#, Ma J, Xu X, Fu C, Zhou H, Guan Y, Li Z, Zhao S, Wang H, Dai L, Xu C, Dong S, Geng Q, Li Z, Wang J*. Photothermal nanozymatic nanoparticles induce ferroptosis and apoptosis through tumor microenvironment manipulation for cancer therapy. Small. 2022,18(41):e2202161. (IF: 13.3, 中科院一区

    8. Hou M#, Huang J#, Jia T, Guan Y, Yang F, Zhou H, Huang P, Wang J, Yang L, Dai L*. Deep profiling of the proteome dynamics of pseudomonas aeruginosa reference strain PAO1 under different growth conditions. J Proteome Res. 2023, 22(6):1747-1761. (IF:4.4, 中科院二区

    9. Bai YM#, Yang F#, Luo P#, Xie LL#, Chen JH, Guan YD, Zhou HC, Xu TF, Hao HW, Chen B, Zhao JH, Liang CL, Dai LY, Geng QS, Wang JG*. Single-cell transcriptomic dissection of the cellular and molecular events underlying the triclosan-induced liver fibrosis in mice. Mil Med Res. 2023, 10(1):7. (IF: 21.1, 中科院一区

    10. Yuan H#, Hong X#, Ma H#, Fu C#, Guan Y, Huang W, Ma J, Xia P, Cao M, Zheng L, Xu X, Xu C, Liu D, Li Z, Geng Q, Wang J*. MXene-based dual functional nanocomposite with photothermal nanozyme catalytic activity to fight bacterial infections. ACS Materials Lett. 2023, 5(3):762-774. (IF:11.4, 中科院一区

    11. Xie S, Guan Y, Zhu P, Li F, Yu M, Linhardt RJ, Chi L, Jin L*. Preparation of low molecular weight heparins from bovine and ovine heparins using nitrous acid degradation. Carbohydr Polym. 2018, 197:83-91. (IF: 11.2, 中科院一区

    12. Bai X, Li D, Zhu J, Guan Y, Zhang Q, Chi L*. From individual proteins to proteomic samples: characterization of O-glycosylation sites in human chorionic gonadotropin and human-plasma proteins. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2015, 407(7): 1857-1869. (IF: 4.3, 中科院二区

    13. 白雪管玉东李菲迟连利. MALDI和ESI质谱鉴定肿瘤相关糖蛋白的N糖链结构.中国科技论文. 2014, 9(3): 302-304.

    14. 白雪黄惠锋管玉东迟连利. 金银花提取物对化合物48/80, 组胺及P物质诱导小鼠瘙痒模型的作用.山东大学学报医学版. 2015, 53(3): 46-49.


    1. N糖组数据库建立及其分析软件的开发应用研究,项目编号32101189,项目来源:国家自然科学基金委青年项目,时间2022.01-2024.12,经费30万,主持

    2. 基于质谱的N糖链深度解析软件开发及其应用研究,项目编号 RCBS20210609104421046,项目来源:深圳市科技创新委员会,时间 2022.04-2024.04,经费30万,主持

    3. Picosecond Infrared Laser for Scarfree Surgery with Preservation of the Tissue Structure and Recognition of Tissue Type and Boundaries (SUREPIRL), ERC-Advanced Grant (2012 - 2017), 参与

    4. Food Profiling: Analytische Werkzeuge zur experimentellen Überprüfung der Herkunft und Identitätvon Lebensmitteln, Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (Bonn, Germany, 2016 -2019), 参与

    5. Analytics for Biologics (A4B), European Union (Brusseles, 2017 - 2021), 参与